Nurturing Malaysia’s next leaders dedicated to nation-building

About PFAA

The Perdana Fellowship is a prestigious programme established by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2013 to provide young Malaysians a first-hand experience in matters of national governance.

Under this programme, Perdana Fellows are placed under the purview of Ministers of various Ministries to assist in the highest form of governance.

Upon completion of the fellowship, Fellows become a member of the Perdana Fellows Alumni Association (PFAA), which continues the culture of fostering a close network between youth leaders and government, corporate and NGO leaders.

PFAA is a multiracial, multicultural, non-political, and non-profit organisation. Our mission is to develop the next generation of Malaysian leaders across various sectors.

This year, PFAA initiated a number of new programmes that are more inclusive, taking into account the diverse interests of our members, and increasingly involve other youths in our civic engagement activities.


Nurturing Malaysia’s next leaders dedicated to nation-building.


1. To commit and contribute to nation-building in Malaysia.

2. To foster and maintain lifelong relationship between members.

3. To support the Perdana Fellows Programme.

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